Alert Alert Alert!!!
Ladies a man who loves you seeks after you!!!
He will give you these five things and will endeavor to make you happy, and push you toward purpose.
1. Prayer 2. Time 3. Attention/Transparency 4. Money 5. Respect
A man who loves you will seek God for you. He will find out your strengths and weaknesses so that He can help you meet purpose and destiny!
For a man time is money. Therefore, if he spends it with you he considers you valuable. If you have to ask or beg for it, he is not invested in you.
A man that is ready to put down roots finds it imperative to reveal his true self to his woman. He will allow himself to be vulnerable in hopes of building a future legacy. He will want to be seen with you and meet all his family and friends. He is serious about you and desires to be set apart from all other.
Men (not just those who are wealthy) will budget a woman into his expenses. This is a way that he shows value to her. He is willing to work to make her happy.
Men who love a woman never lie to her or deceive her by omission. They speak with respect and take her thoughts and opinions into consideration...
So ladies....
Measure your significant other ..
Are you his lady... Or just a midnight snack?
